Wunderkammer - 1 by OtGO 2023-2024, consists
of 100 equal-sized single paintings, Acryl on
original Stamps, black A4 paper, each measuring 210 by 297 mm (Wunderkammer: 100 pictures
with about 6000 stamps)
Wunderkammer 100 pictures with about 6000 stamps
by OtGO
2023-2024, consists
of 100 equal-sized single paintings, Acryl on
original Stamps, black A4 paper, each measuring 210 by 297 mm (Wunderkammer: 100 pictures
with about 6000 stamps)
Wunderkammer 100 pictures with about 6000 stamps
by OtGO
2023-20024, consists
of 100 equal-sized single paintings, Acryl on
original Stamps, black A4 paper, each measuring 297 by 210 mm (Wunderkammer: 100 pictures
with about 6000 stamps)
Wunderkammer: 100 Bilder mit ca. 6000 Briefmarken | OtGO Studio Berlin
2024 | Otgonbayar Ershuu
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkezIIab6v4