die Fläche ist überwältigend. Sechseinhalb Meter lang und mehr als zwei
Meter hoch ist das farbenprächtige Gemälde. Bei jedem Schritt des
Betrachters fängt es an zu flimmern. Die vielen kleinen pixelartigen
Punkte beginnen sich zu bewegen.“
has been present every day for a year. There are tons of information
about Corona, the number of people who have died from Corona and the
problems ... Corona created many problems. That made me feel like I had
to paint the picture."..
than ten thousand years ago, at the end of the global ice age, the
people who settled in North America from Central Asia, or as we say,
the Indians, had the same origin as the Mongols. Ethnic
characteristics, such as face, body, beliefs, culture, customs and
lifestyle in harmony with nature are similar between Native Americans
and Mongols...
Inside the Studio OtGO | Documentation OtGO Berlin